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We offer Travel & Relocation Readings and Spiritual Guidance Sessions are available in-person, by phone and e-mail.
During your one-on-one session Water Medium Psychic Marlene will connect with the Spiritual Realm to help answer your questions about the timing of an upcoming trip, a move or relocation, including assistance to help you identify where your soul will be most productive and happy in attempting to meet its spiritual evolution in this life. Insights from the Spiritual Realm can also help you determine when to sell your home when wanting to move / relocate to another area.
Many clients also benefit from Marlene's Psychometric Energy Reading on a home or property before deciding to proceed with a purchase offer. The Psychometric energy reading helps provide details about a property or home (e.g., its history, areas in a home needing to be addressed) as well as if the energy is on the same frequency of the buyer looking to take ownership. Psychometric readings are also of value in helping to pick-up details about a missing, lost one including criminal investigations and cold cases
You can <Contact Us> directly - by using the on-line form to submit your confidential inquiry about how our readings can provide you with the needed enlightenment in your upcoming personal or business travel or relocation plans.
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Water Medium Synergy
Spiritual Enlightenment through Water Energy